Dispelling Top 6 Myths about Toll Free Numbers

With the advent of emerging mobility solutions and applications, the process of interconnectivity among the businesses is getting simplified. The soaring communication services in the business communication world are helping to boost the sales revenue potentially.

The toll free number is one such phenomenon gaining immense popularity among the businesses and consumers alike. As the usage of toll free numbers is soaring among the businesses, simultaneously misconceptions associated with it are spiraling. The circulation of myths associated with the toll free numbers is inhibiting businesses to fetch its benefits optimally.

So, here’s an insight to common myths that are off-tracking businesses from reaping its potential maximally:

Myth #1: Toll Free Numbers Cost an Arm and a leg

Fact – Businesses fail to consider the bigger picture. Finding the right service for call tracking makes a big difference. Searching the one that provides loads of features in one package can generate potential revenue out of marketing efforts. It can generate a huge return on investment by allowing businesses reach a wide audience in short span.

Myth #2: Call-Tracking Feature is Complex to Set-up

Fact – Implementing call tracking feature, one of the benefits of toll free numbers, is as simple as adding an appropriate snippet of codes to the required web pages. All that matters is approaching the right service provider. Need for additional hardware equipment gets eliminated. The call tracking software starts fetching the useful data as soon as the code is set-up and set of unique phone numbers are applied to the marketing channels.

Myth #3: The Growth of SEO Techniques Gets Hampered

Fact – Businesses fear that incorporating toll free numbers can harm the SEO activities on their website. This fear evolved as a result of assumption that if Google quoted erratic phone numbers linked with your business website, it may push down the ranking of the page. Well, this can be a real fear if numbers are used inappropriately. The toll free numbers used for call parking, call return, call tracking must not be listed in the online directories. This creates confusion in the Google’s algorithm and hampers the SEO activities.

Myth #4: Easy-to-Remember Numbers are consumed

Fact – Businesses think that it’s tough to get a creative number as advertised on billboards. They assume that it’s hard to find a number that could compete in the ocean of good numbers. Well, this is not the fact. Bit of creativity can help to get a number that can create a unique image of the business.

Moreover, when a particular number has been taken, the owner can distribute this number to other businesses by licensing the number.

Myth #5: Only SMBs can take the Benefit

Fact – When a new technology is launched, businesses all over the globe try to benefit from that. Likewise, cloud telephony can also largely benefit SMBs. Newbies can conveniently expand their market reach by implementing the toll free number to boost the sales number. Flexibility offered by toll free numbers open-up multiple channels of communication. Such flexibility enables businesses to make big savings. Beyond an easy way to expand the reach of your business, it is a cost-beneficial option for the businesses.

Myth #6: Businesses should bypass Hybrid Numbers Use

Fact – This is one notion that has critically put down the use of toll free numbers. This is indeed a fact that 1-888-SIMPLE can be easily remembered contrary to 1-888-176-SIMPLE. The search for the number like the former one may just end-up hunting for the Holy Grail. With businesses small or medium making a direct route for toll free numbers, the gems are rarely found to be grabbed.

However, things can turn out in the favor of businesses with a bit of creativity. Sequential number combinations or repetition of numbers such as 1-888-555 or 1-888-234 can help to create business image that creates a transactional value.

The above are some of the misconceptions associated with the toll free numbers. By not glooming your judgment with these fallacies, you can opt for a suitable toll free number that can help to generate huge traffic for your business.