How Hosted PBX is Beneficial and What are Its Key Features?

Hosted PBX system,also
known as a cloud PBX/hosted phone system, provides a reliable platform where
businesses can easily communicate with their customers.

Hosted PBX systems are being rapidly adopted by businesses of all sizes, whether small or big. Everyone is leveraging the advantages of cloud PBX and moving towards business growth.

Let’s find out from the
below infographic and know what features make the hosted phone system a more
reliable business solution.

Take a look at the below
points that explain hosted phone benefits. 

1. Cost Saving

With a cloud PBX solution,
you don’t need to buy sophisticated hardware as your entire phone system is
hosted & managed in the cloud.

You only need a
communication device like a mobile phone, computer system, PBX, laptop with an
internet connection, and you are ready to make and receive calls.

Also, a hosted phone
solution offers customizable business plans in which you can select the
required features as per your business requirements.

Additionally, these
systems provide “pay as you go” plans that ensure you pay only for the ones you

In all, a hosted PBX is the most reliable solution at a much lesser cost than any other communication solution, which makes it the perfect choice for businesses.

2. Scalable Solution

Business requirements
get unpredictable; their needs depend upon the circumstances. So, always look
for those solutions that can be upscaled or downscaled whenever required.

Cloud PBX system allows
businesses to add or remove telephone lines based on business requirements. You
can notify your needs to your service provider and increase or decrease
telephone lines for calling operations.

3. Business Continuity

Hosted phone system
eliminates geographical barriers by offering a remote work environment. Agents
from different locations can work together and share files as all the data is
available in the cloud & accessible from anywhere. This improves team
collaboration and helps to maintain business continuity.

Also, in case of a
disaster or any other unwanted situation, you can easily access your data files
and ensure a smooth work environment. With a hosted PBX solution, you don’t
need to worry about data loss; all your data will remain secure as it is stored
in the cloud.

4. Real-Time Monitoring

It is difficult to
maintain all agents’ performance records and analyze their work records
manually. With cloud PBX phone solutions, you can assess the agents’ work in
real-time and can monitor their activities without hindering their tasks.

You can listen to
agents’ live calls and find out whether they can resolve issues efficiently.

Also, hosted phone
solutions give you an option to barge & whisper, in which a manager can
share his/her feedback on the live call. While barging, the manager can talk to
both agent & customer, whereas in whispering, the manager can help in
seamlessly resolving issues on a live call without the knowledge of the

Hosted PBX
offers a plethora of benefits when compared to traditional phone systems
With a cloud PBX solution, it is easy to reach your targeted audience and
create a brand image.