5 Benefits of Having a Toll Free Number for Your Startup

Startup life isn’t just about getting into the limelight. It’s about bringing innovation and dealing with disruptions effectively. And it’s not as easy as it sounds. Startup build-up goes through a lot of leaps and bounds so; lack of efficient planning can lead to its breakdown. Placing a well-established plan of action for creating better brand recognition and sales performance can be improved by deploying smart business techniques.

Image Source: Arne Kuilman via Flickr

Emerging out of the smart business techniques, toll free numbers enable startups to simplify its functioning and create improved business opportunities. Let’s take a look at why startup businesses must consume toll free numbers in its business.

1. Improving Customer Retention Rate

Businesses carrying toll free numbers; enable clients, business partners, clients and customers to reach you anytime, anywhere. This platform provides easy reachability to customers, which drives better engagement rates and results in improved customer satisfaction rates. It gives customers a free of cost channel to take feedback on products and services offered. Registered complaints can be further analyzed to improve the quality of services offered.

2. Hassle-free Office Set-up Relocation

Portability is one of the biggest advantages offered by a toll free number. Small business owners no need to switch to another number on moving to another location. Toll free number portability allows subscribers to retain the old number while keeping the same number for receiving the incoming calls. This capacitates companies with business continuity feature and without facing any disruption clients, customers and prospects can easily reach the business and continue using its services.

3. Keeping a Track of Marketing Efforts

Using toll free numbers can help startups to manage and organize calls easily. You may be using various advertising strategies for promoting products and services such as via billboards or print media. Using toll free numbers aids in tracking the details of customers reaching out to your business, geographic location and their most preferred time of calling you. Some of the best advertising channels where toll free and vanity numbers can be incorporated are broadcast ads, direct response campaigns and as a component of newspapers and magazines.

4. Big Presence for Gaining Investors

Numerous companies and startups are not prepared for entrepreneurial hardships. Presenting business to promising investors can lead to reflect a great image of your product. In the long run, the company must be positioned to build up a global reach that can help to attract investors easily and improve the chances of attracting investors. It helps to develop an image which makes investors think that your brand will have a wider reach.

5. Easy to Remember

Another amazing benefit of toll free numbers is that they can be easily memorized. Initial four number 1800 numbers followed by three digits that are provided by the operators and only the last three digits vary. This increases the call rate and strengthens the customer base. Leading to enhance the number of sales and build a better brand image.

Gist of All

Startups have plenty of things to take care of. New challenges may crop up at any point. Especially, the infancy stage startups face much of intense troubles and overcoming these challenges can be tough for them. Above all, building up networks with an exclusive group of customers and prospects is one of the critical aspects of startup build up. And thankfully, toll free numbers does that all.