5 Reasons Why You Need To Manage Contact Center Quality?

Exceptional customer service is a must
for a business to succeed and build a brand image. Customers expect
organizations to resolve their queries as soon as possible. If you fail to
provide delightful customer experience it can affect the credibility and
reputation of your business. Moreover, in this era of social media, any bad
word of mouth spreads like a fire in a forest. Hence, you should seriously work
to ensure the quality assurance or quality management of your contact center

It is the sole responsibility of
business owners and managers to ensure a quality assurance process to monitor
their customer support operations constantly. A smooth workflow ensures that
your agents can deliver positive customer experience service. 

As we live in a world of technology, businesses can incorporate cloud-based contact center solutions to streamline communication processes and ensure quality management via various tools such as live call monitoring, call barging, IVR, etc. It also gives you the tools to effectively measure and monitor key contact center metrics to determine the agents’ productivity. 

According to a study, the global cloud-based contact center will rise/increase from USD 6.8 Million in 2017 to USD 93 Billion by 2022. 

Agents are not identical, and the same agent can perform at various levels on different days. With an effective quality management program or solution, you can ensure that agents are answering most customer calls within service levels.

Why Is Contact Center Quality Management Important? 

1. Improved customer experience 

As mentioned earlier, with a quality management program, you can take your customer service game to the next level. The next question is in what ways a contact center quality management can improve customer service experience?

Here are some of the solutions that
you can put in place:

Imagine the queries of your customers are resolved on their first call itself. 

With an efficient contact center
management solution, you can train your agents and help them to resolve
customer queries on their first call. Thus, saving your customers to call your
business repeatedly and not making the customer support a negative experience
for them. 

What if you could reduce their hold time?

It is a universal truth that no
customer will like listening to the dull old ringing sound when they want
something to get it done as soon as possible. If your contact center receives
many inbound calls, then it is likely that some of your customers will have to
stay on the hold line to wait for their turn. 

Formulate strategies to reduce the
average hold time per customer. There are various methods by which contact
center managers or quality assurance team can keep the hold time as minimum as
possible by:

  • Using custom music on hold.
  • Notifying agents about the active calls in the queue so that they can quickly wrap up their current calls to pick the calls of customers in line.

Connecting customers with the right people at the right time

Allowing customers to interact with the right team members is critical in fast query resolution. For this, you can use IVR for your contact center. With IVR, you can set up intelligent call routing and easily connect customers to various departments in your organization based on their needs. 

Another tool for this purpose is Call
Transfer. Agents should be able to transfer the customer’s call quickly to the
right person. 

 2. Longer customer retention periods 

As a contact center manager, you
should strive to improve customer retention. From the tool explained above,
custom music on hold is one of the best ways to engage your customers. You can
choose to play a promotional offer or informational message related to your
products and services. 

When customers hear the custom hold
music, they get the perception that your business is not wasting their time,
and one of the agents will soon pick up their call to resolve their

 3. Positive work environment for your employees 

Along with customer experience, how
your employees or agents feel about the work environment also matters. Agents
will thrive in a positive working environment, and when you implement the right
type of solutions to streamline their work process, their productivity increases. 

Cloud-based contact center solutions
support integration with various business apps such as CRM, sales enablement
tools, etc., which allows them to be on the same page while offering customer
support services. 

4. Better agent training program  

A better contact center quality
management program ensures better training programs for your agents. Most
cloud-based contact center software gives you the option to save call
recordings, which you can listen from anywhere.  

As a contact center manager, you can
analyze these call recordings and find the potential loopholes that are leaving
your customers dissatisfied. Make notes of the most common problems and train
your agents to solve those queries in a short period. 

In addition to that, as a contact
center quality assurance head, you can train agents on how to handle customers
with little patience and what not to speak while dealing with them. 

5. Measure agents’ performance 

Measuring the performance of your
agents is a crucial aspect of ensuring that your contact center operations are
running smoothly and efficiently. A quality contact center management program
helps you in identifying your most productive and least productive agents so
that you can first train the agents who are finding it difficult to handle or
resolve customer queries. 

Another essential feature of hosted
contact center solutions is that most providers offer to report software to
measure critical metrics such as average handling time, transfer rate, calls
answered within service levels, etc. 

 Final Thoughts:  

In this article, you read about 5
points which emphasize on the fact why contact center quality management is
essential for your business. From improving customer satisfaction to designing
a better agent training program, you should keep a quality assurance check in
your contact center to keep the business running smoothly and avoid loss in
revenue due to customer dissatisfaction. 

Connect with our contact center
solutions expert team to get answers to your queries and understand how
cloud-based contact center solutions can help your business to scale.